
about us

Competition Camel is the first verified UK competition marketplace that launched in 2021 via Early-access. We wanted to make it easier for sellers to run competitions online and providing our customers with an interesting variety of competitions in the safety that our  sellers are real people, offering real prizes. Tickets are purchased from Competition camel - we act as the middle 'camel' to protect our customers and offer a 100% money-back Guarantee.

Real people, real prizes.

We know trust means everything to our customers, which is why Competition Camel has a human-led (sorry camels!) verification process which approves sellers via Official Photographic Identification.

win dream prizes with competition camel

Competition Camel is a verified marketplace of skill-based competitions. we offer an exciting variety of prizes all in one place. Win holidays, the latest tech, cars, cash prizes and more. with competition camel, your money is only released to the seller once the competition has successfully been completed, giving you peace of mind that in the unlikely event of a Competition not being completed, you will be covered by our 100% money-back guarantee.